Case Study

Shower Seal: B2B & D2C Fulfillment

Shower Seal Ltd is the UK’s largest supplier of shower door and bath screen parts, selling to businesses and consumers via its online shop. Together with ILG, they offer a level of service that delights every customer in the belief that continually surpassing customer expectations is one of the best routes to long-term success. Our fulfillment services enable them to achieve this.

“ILG have left us feeling we are their partners in business and we are happy to be shown the way. Logistics, storage and fulfillment are no longer concerns. We absolutely recommend them to companies large and small.”
Managing Director, Shower Seal Ltd

The Story

Scalable E-Commerce Fulfillment

Shower Seal had been finding it difficult to get good prices out of delivery companies and a level of service that was reliable and flexible enough to meet the standards it wanted to provide to its customers. At ILG, we offered them what they’d been missing, enabling them to meet their fulfillment requirements at a reasonable price.

They needed a firm that could integrate directly with their own website to process and fulfil orders, and they needed storage space that could grow and shrink as required. In addition, Shower Seal wanted a partner that offered a personal touch. With all this in mind, ILG was a perfect fit.

The Results

Managing Stock and Space

ILG’s fulfillment service integrated seamlessly with Shower Seal’s back-end e-commerce systems to ensure orders are packaged and sent out on time and to a high standard, and that stock levels are efficiently managed, with flexible warehouse space and no fixed costs. The result? The reliable, best-in-class fulfillment partnership they’d been missing.

Cutting Costs, Not Quality

Through our UK delivery service, we are able to select the most suitable and cost-effective routing options and to give Shower Seal regular updates on the progress of each delivery, thus enabling them to offer a highly reliable service to their customers which cost them less than they were paying before.

For more information about Shower Seal, visit

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