Embracing Sustainability in Logistics

At ILG we’re working hard to minimise our environmental impact. We’re sourcing sustainable energy and materials, cutting waste, recycling more, driving greener practices and setting ourselves ambitious targets. If you’re looking to achieve a greener supply chain, we can make your order fulfilment more sustainable.

ILG is ISO 14001 Accredited!

Our Goal: ‘Zero-By-30’

All ILG UK Operations to be
Carbon-Neutral by 2030*.

It’s a big target, but we’re off to an amazing start. Since 2020 we’ve passed our first milestone and cut our CO2 emissions by 56% (relative to business turnover). Now we’re on our way to a net-zero future.

*Scope 3 operational CO2 emissions

Our Green 

Our ISO 14001 EMS is keeping us on track to hit our sustainability goals.

ILG green promise cover image
“At ILG we put care for the environment front and centre. Like many of our customers and our customers’ customers, we share a deep concern for our planet’s wellbeing. We’re determined to do our bit to secure a more sustainable future for us all.”
Tom Ashley, ILG Managing Director

Clean Energy

In 2021 we switched all our energy contracts to Green Electricity and Green Gas tariffs. So now, all our warehouses and offices are powered by sustainable energy and downsizing their carbon footprints.

Zero to Landfill

100% of our waste is either recycled or treated at energy-for-waste facilities, to produce enough electricity to power 60,000 homes. None of our waste goes to landfill and we’re working hard to cut our volume of waste and find new ways of repurposing it.

Recyclable Packaging

All ILG paper and cardboard packaging is made from recycled materials. Instead of oil-based packing materials, we use paper-based void-fill wherever possible. Every week we bail tonnes of cardboard for recycling.

Sustainable Facilities

We are replacing our older UK warehouses with more modern, energy-efficient facilities. Our latest warehouses are rated BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and equipped with extensive skylights, solar panels, low-energy LED lighting and fuel-saving heating.

Going ILGreen

  • Vehicles: We are installing EV chargers at selected warehouses and shifting our vehicle fleet to hybrid or all-electric.
  • Staff: Our volunteer Green Champions are busy introducing eco-friendly uniform solutions, reusable cups and promoting energy saving and waste reduction.
  • Travel: We promote public transport, cycling, car sharing, train vs plane and minimise business journeys where possible.
  • Offsetting: So far, all our carbon cuts have been achieved without offsetting, but we are exploring options to help us hit net-zero.
  • Deliveries: We are evaluating the environmental impact of our delivery suppliers so we can build more sustainable partnerships.
  • Lighting: More of our warehouses feature skylights, LED lighting and motion-activated sensors to minimise energy use.
  • Partnerships: We partner with sustainable waste management experts Grundon and packaging innovators Kite.

ILG warehouse

Read our Environmental Policy here >

Our ESG Policy

ILG’s ESG policy delineates our commitment to environmental, social and governance principles. Our purpose is to integrate sustainable practices, ensure ethical conduct and foster social responsibility.